Dr. Orly Taitz claims Barack Obama should not be allowed to be President because he is not American, although he has produced evidence of the contrary. Barack Obama's father came over from Kenya with a student visa, she says, making him ineligible to be a President.
Every interview has been the same. The interviewer loves obama and Orly gets cut off. But, this time Orly says, "why do you invite me on your show, if you don't let me talk?"
Now, Orly has her 'sound bite' and it's clear that obama is not a natural born citizen. She even sites the code number that allows Hawaii to give foreign born children, citizenship.
The interviewer sticks to her belief - she seems to come across as a robot who is drunk on koolaide.
The bottom line, if you like obama you don't care if he's from Mars. But, if you don't like him (or his policies), then loyalty matters. As Orly clearly and calmly said, he has allegiance to at least three other countries.
I love, also, how every interviewer pays NO attention whatsoever to the facts that Dr. Taitz lays out. Barry isn't a natural born citizen because his father was a BRITISH CITIZEN. It's really not super complicated. But the Creepy Corporate Cabal put the fix in, and that is that! If they can get away with this, they can get away with freakin' ANYTHING!
Thank goodness God is in charge, or I would worry.
Barack/Barry: If you're NOT LEGIT, then you MUST QUIT!!
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Hillarysworld -> Obama Constitution -> (2/8/10) Youtube - Link to Russian TV World Wide transmission of Orly's eligibility first interview