This article is intended to be complimentary to Obama, but frankly, I am seeing nothing but problems whenever the author sees something good. It seems clear to me that Obama's reaction to the Iranian situation was a disaster. Now we come to learn that the only people involved in the initial discussion were Obama and Biden. They decided what to say (without any advisors apparently) and then passed on the marching orders. Considering that Barry is a complete and total neophyte when it comes to foreign policy, and considering how critically important this part of the world is, and considering how complex the situation is over there, even in the best of circumstances - the willingness to rely on this guy's shaky intuition rather than a clear-headed analysis is simply frightening.
It's also apparently a wonderful thing that Obama has the "confidence" to put himself in charge of foreign policy. Considering the guy knows almost nothing about history, has never negotiated with a foreign government before, does not speak any language but English - yeah, this guy should be confident in his own abilties.