Posted by ROBERT STEIN in Media, Politics. Oct 1st, 2010
Eliot Spitzer, who resigned as governor of New York for patronizing prostitutes, will soon be seen on CNN weekday nights pontificating alongside a Foxy conservative co-anchor.
Meanwhile, the contest for his old job is making Spitzer look like a choirboy as the Republican candidate declares “off limits” any discussion of a daughter with another woman while married to the mother of his three children.
Carl Paladino’s emergence as a Tea Party hero who wants to “take a bat” to traditional politicians has caused a crisis of conscience for Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post, which loves angry GOP pols almost as much as sex scandals.
Now the would-be governor is threatening to “take out” a nosy Post editor, making it clear he is using the term in a Goodfellas sense rather than offering to share Chinese food with him. If the Post ends up endorsing Paladino, it could be a first in American journalism.
Here is the clip on Paladino on his marital indescretion"
Paladino offered no proof of his claim, despite requests for substantiation, and he made it minutes after angrily declaring his 10-year-old daughter — a child from his own affair 10 years ago — off limits to the press.
I wonder what the moral pundits have to say about Spitzer getting the mic in CNN.
And about the GOP for Spitzer's prior job - Paladino. So much for holy marriage and "morality"! His double standard yardstick is strikingly obvious!
Politicos should be measured by the rhetoric they spit out - their values and how they have lived up to them.
As to Paladino - he is much too extreme on the social scale for my liking. Wish I could find Rick's list interview of Paladino. Rick got the truth from Paladino - he is against abortion, even in the case of rape and incest! Now we find that he slept around while married and of course, applying his standard of course, the woman would have to bear and hold the consequences. Hm... that's what he wants to offer as a GOP nominee to the people of NY?? No thanks!
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010