Kieth O is not only pissed at Obama, he's pissed at the Obamanuts at Daily Kos because they're pissed at him for being pissed at Obama. Obviously, even when The One screws up, and then, makes a really lame speech about screwing up, there is to be no criticism of him. Damn it! Why can't people understand that?!? The Kossacks don't like it when people don't overlook The Messiah's failures.
How sweet it is to see the progs outraged because MSM criticizes their idol!! Too bad!! Now they know 1/10th of the frustration we felt in 2008 when Kieth, Tim, Chris, Campbell, ...Hell, every damn MSM personality with a mic was broadcasting blatant lies about Hillary, and hurling sexists remarks at every turn. Deal with it bots!