This ridiculous article was posted on Make Them Accountable, originally at HuffPo. There are so many idiotic statements in the article, I started not to post it. I'm posting only about half of it. More stupid statements are plentiful in the second half, as well.
Note this guy's shock and awe at how the Democratic Party has abused the "party base" (which Budowsky mistakenly believes is comprised of progressives). Wonder where the hell ole Brent was when the REAL BASE was treated like crap - worse, when fraud, conspiracy, sexism, and all maner of nasty deeds were done by the progressives against the REAL BASE . He obviously noticed no problem until AFTER the election was stolen for Obama. It's clear that Brent's righteous indignation at the failures of his party's elected officials to care about the people who have elected them, apply ONLY to the progressives. Treat the centrists like sh** - no problem for Brent. Treat the women like sh** - again, old Brent's ok with that. But don't mess with those progressives. Those sissies can't take it.
The crux of the problem . . .
. . . is the wholesale corruption.
Brent Budowsky:
The greatest threat to the Democratic Party and progressivism in America is not Sarah Palin. It is not the tea party right. It is not the Republican Party. It is not Rush Limbaugh. It is not Fox News. The greatest threat to the Democratic Party and progressivism in America is the lobbyist-industrial complex that always obstructs true change, always seeks to destroy the greatest programs for reform, and always poisons and corrupts whatever it touches with the corrosive stench of money that buys government and greed that destroys change… The President I worked so hard to elect is fond of saying, along with his accolytes who visit the cable news in the guise of being Democratic strategists, often taking Gilded Age money unknown to their viewers, that “the left and the right are both unhappy and this is good”. Well Mr. President and Mr. Emanuel, I will be damned if I will be equated in this public relations lexicon of triangulation alongside Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh, as equal evils to be triangulated against by Democrats who insult the people who worked to elect them, and then wonder why many of these voters, insulted and demeaned once too often by Democrats they considered their friends, may not vote on election day. Let me explain this plainly to certain Democrats in Washington who are slow to understand but quick to grab the money and celebrate themselves in the trappings of power they may well soon lose: In a midterm election, it is the base stupid. It is the base, moron. It is the base, idiots. It is the base, fools. It is the base of progressives that is the only way to save the Democratic Party in November, and it is the lobbyist-industrial complex that is the surest way to destroy the Democratic Party in November. It is time to sweep the stench of money from our poisoned government in Washington. Time for public financing. Time for lobbyist reform. Time to bring back the public option. Time to tax the Wall Street bonuses. Time to move more boldly to break up the banks. Time to disclose how bailout money was spent. Time to fight for jobs. Time to fight for new energy so that the solar panels and wind farms are not manned by those who speak Chinese… Democrats should slam shut the revolving door against those who exploit their election victories as nothing more than another chance to get rich quicker, or the nation will leave Democrats behind, damned by history as the change that could have been, but never was. There’s lots more.
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony
The REAL BASE as you put it freespirit, is far more centrist than far left. What Obama had to do to win was build up the support from "Green Party" and "Socialist" "Communist" and extreme left. I do not know if they have all become part of the Dem party... but they in combination with some of Candidate Obama's campaign promises have certainly managed to redefine the party as much farther to the left than what I thought Dems are based on the Clinton days. Trouble is the party has moved farther to the left with the election of the current president.
Then, after Obama got into the Oval office, his policy implementations have been a hodgepodge that is not exactly centrist - or if it is, I am not seeing it.
I continue to feel that Pres.Obama's biggest issue has been and continues to be communication with empathy. Ability to communicate in a way that resonates, that makes people absorb the information.... something that Pres.Bill Clinton excelled at .. is exactly what Pres.Obama is not good at. It is one thing to give big speeches that give people that "tingle up the leg" or whatever... That is all transient (if at all)... but quite another to bring facts, figures, anecdotes and a birds-eye-view of the game to a speech where people want to sit and listen to you [and not yawn or say there goes the professor again]. On top of this, he has been gaining a credibility issue and many have begun to question whether he is wise. (Sorry, I do not have link to the article I read last week. This is about Obama's wisdom or lack thereof - that people do not say he is wise). But clearly he is gaining experience. Almost 2 years in, perhaps we will get some more 'in-touch' talk from the POTUS podium. It might make a difference. But yes, Pres.Obama has lost support from HIS BASE... that is obvious even in small circles! LOL. My friends who are avid supporters of Candidate Obama are either silent or sneering at the POTUS - quite a palpable change indeed!
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
The majority of the Democratic Party's base voted for Hillary. Obama went on to win in November because of the Republican base-- they didn't show up at the polls. Enough of Hillary's voters went over to McCain that he would have won if there had been a decent Republican turnout. But they stayed home and there was a slight bump in the number of young and AA voters, so Pampers won.
Imo, the reason Obama cannot speak to people in a way that resonates is that he doesn't really care that much about the country or the people. George Bush was about as inarticulate as they come, but, while I didn't agree with a thing he said, I always felt that he actually cared about the country. He thought he was doing the right thing - even though IMO, he was absolutely not.
These pansy progressives, always lamenting the fact that their messiah let them down, just make me sick. Most progressives consider themselves to be so well educated, sophisticated, and just plain cooler than we low-life, bitter, moderates, and yet... We were smart enough to see through Obama. We researched him. We knew what to expect from him. The progressives apparently just believed every damn word he said - every promise, even though they knew (or should have known) that he had spoken to another group, spouting a different message, promising the opposite. They bought into Obama's BS --- and we're the stupid ones?!?
I don't think so!
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony
The Left is every bit as much as the extreme right. I don't like either. This is a stupid person who put his faith in the wrong person. Oh cry me a fricking river already. You were stupid perhaps you shouldn't vote since you infected this country with your stupidiness