The New Agenda has some exciting news to report and we invite you to join us!
We will be HONORING Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who has been an inspirational force in the formation and growth of our organization, on Thursday, May 6th, 2010.
We met Lynn in May 2008 as she courageously led the first meeting of Together4US, a group of prominent Hillary Rodham Clinton supporters who met to continue HRC's legacy. Many refer to that first meeting, held at a home in Pound Ridge, NY as “The Second Seneca Falls.” It was with Lynn’s inspiration that in August 2008 we formed an offshoot of Together4US to focus solely on women’s issues. That organization, The New Agenda, was based on Lynn’s vision: women’s issue and country ahead of political party.
As The New Agenda took off to become a national organization, Lynn has stayed closely connected with us and helped us carve our ever evolving path. Like Lynn, The New Agenda has stayed true to its vision of honoring Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton by standing up for women in this country who often have no voice. As well, The New Agenda has honored the vow made at our first meeting: never to be silent again while a women leader was subjected to sexism.
The May 6th event will be The New Agenda Inc.’s (our 501c4) first major event, and so it is only appropriate that we honor a woman who has stood with us throughout. Lynn, like our organization, always puts women and country first. And while most of Secretary Clinton’s supporters went back to their every day lives, Lynn remains one of the few outspoken advocates for women and country.
-- Edited by Destiny on Friday 19th of February 2010 10:07:23 PM
Good I am glad to hear that. I have to admit that after the Primary I wasn't crazy about the whole together4us thing. They wanted a "gasp" Obama/Clinton ticket that made me throw up in my mouth a little just remembering that but she never did back Obama
In July 2008 I started using ladyliberty4president as my email address to promote Lady Lynn. I contacted many of us to see what people thought about her and I got a very bad response. The whole thing about the Rothschild family being the ones who are responsible for the bankers destroying our economy.
She married into the Rothschild family, but she didn't GROW UP in it. Lady Lynn has her head on straight and I won't blame the wife for the spouse. Something all of us watched happen to another spouse in the 2008 primary.
I have a lot of respect and admiration for Lady Lynn. I had forgotten, or was never aware that together4us supported an Obama/Hillary ticket. It makes me cringe to even write those two names together- especially with Hillary's in second place. I could never have supported that.
I do think Lady Lynn deserves much credit for the courage she demonstrated in standing up for Hillary as she did, even after Hillary had been forced to ask her supporters to support Obama. Lady Lynn refused, as did the rest of us. I also think TNA is an excellent group, and am proud to be a member. I noticed a post from there last week regarding the need for funding in order to keep TNA strong. Times are tough all over, I guess, but TNA is a strong voice for women, and very much worth supporting.
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony