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TOPIC: Napoltino in The Hot Seat Again (Politico 12.31.09)


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Napoltino in The Hot Seat Again (Politico 12.31.09)


Another Clinton hater is more then likely gonna lose her job.  Anytime a President says someone's job is safe the person is usually gone before the weekend.  I guess O is going to wait until after Christmas to throw her under the bus.




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We'll probably hear the news on Monday morning.



Nobody puts THIS baby in the corner!


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I'll be celebrating




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“As part of the ongoing review to determine exactly what went wrong leading up to Friday’s attempted terrorist attack, we are looking not only at our own processes, but also beyond our borders to ensure effective aviation security measures are in place for U.S-bound flights that originate at international airports,” Napolitano said in a statement Thursday. "I will follow up on these efforts with ministerial-level meetings within the next few weeks.”

I wonder how many of these she has done already... of this will be just the beginning.

-- Edited by Sanders on Saturday 2nd of January 2010 09:23:42 AM

Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010
Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010

Madam Secretary Blog at ForeignPolicy.com
Project Vote Smart - Stay informed and engaged!


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How about when a guy's father, who is a Nigerian official says he's a violent nutcase, and the guy pays cash for the ticket, he travels with no luggage, and he's on a watch list, that YOU DON'T LET HIM FLY?

It's not complicated, Janet.


Barack/Barry:  If you're NOT LEGIT, then you MUST QUIT!!


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Updated January 01, 2010

Democrats Join Calls for Napolitano to Step Down Following Failed Attack


Democrats have joined the ranks of those calling for Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to step down following the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight a week ago.

Some Democrats have joined in calling for Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to step down following the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight a week ago.

Though the CIA and an agency under the Director of National Intelligence have been under particular scrutiny in the preliminary review of possible missteps, Napolitano so far has taken the most heat from lawmakers. Not only does her department oversee the Transportation Security Administration, but her initial claim Sunday that "the system worked" was widely ridiculed and interpreted by critics as a sign that she's in over her head.

Some Republicans, who've taken issue with her in the past for calling terrorist acts "man-caused disasters" and other remarks, started calling for her ouster in the spring. The failed bombing on Christmas Day revived those calls.

Now Democrats have joined the chorus.

New Jersey State Senate President Richard Codey, a Democrat, wrote a letter to Napolitano this week calling on her to step down. He said Napolitano, an attorney and former Arizona governor, does not have the experience for the post she is in.

"We should have someone who doesn't need to go in there and learn about terrorism, learn about security," Codey told Fox News. "How close were these 300 people on this plane from losing their lives because homeland security broke down? Boy, it was really close."

The Department of Homeland Security was created in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and has grown into one of the largest Cabinet departments in the federal government. Charged with keeping the nation safe from terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters, it covers the TSA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and a slew of other agencies.

Codey said a candidate "well-versed" in intelligence should step into the job.

Democratic strategist Dan Gerstein also said Napolitano's response to the incident should be the last straw.

More . . .


Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010
Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010

Madam Secretary Blog at ForeignPolicy.com
Project Vote Smart - Stay informed and engaged!


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Posts: 2818

She's a goner.  I think I am going to celebrate her departure as a loss of another Clinton Hater.  Sorry You sorry excuse for a woman you deserve what your getting.  I can't wait until she gets hit with sexism.  Sometimes a sexist woman deserves sexism.  Are you listening Nancy Pelosi?



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