This topic again - I'm suspicious of this, just because it seems like everything they do is so it protects Obama:
Eighteen months removed from a protracted presidential primary fight, a group of Democrats gathered by President Obama has recommended that the party effectively eliminate the influence of so-called superdelegates by redefining their voting power.
The Democratic Change Commission, which was convened last August to examine the nominating process, is recommending that superdelegates -- also known as unpledged delegates -- be required to vote along with the electoral majority of their state.
"We need to show deference to what the party members in our state have done," said Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, one of the co-chairmen of the commission.
The elimination of free-agent superdelegates comes after the party split during the 2008 primary over how they should vote. Then-Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) argued to unpledged delegates -- members of the Democratic National Committee, House members and senators, and former party leaders -- that it was not their responsibility to vote as their state had voted, but rather to back the candidate they thought would be the best person to represent the party.
Obama allies insisted this was an attempt to subvert the will of the people. Clinton loyalists shot back that the very role of superdelegates was to resolve a close race in which the will of the people was very closely divided.
Superdelegates were created in the early 1980s to give the establishment of the Democratic Party more say in choosing a presidential nominee, but until the 2008 contest, such delegates had never been a serious factor.
These superdelegates were created so they didn't get another far-left extremist in the McGovern vein, but they sure screwed up last year.
Claire McKaskie need I say more. I will never suipport this woman and if she is ever hit by sexism I will laugh at her. I am sorry but I despise this woman.
Ebinger wrote:These superdelegates were created so they didn't get another far-left extremist in the McGovern vein, but they sure screwed up last year.
They failed utterly and completely in the very purpose for which they were created.
Of course, now that the entire class of superdelegates is more aware of that failure, there is a chance that they may do differently, but just then, the structure is being changed. If they are awakened enough may be they will do things differently in 2012.
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
Any time you put voting power in the hands of someone who can be bought, (i.e. money going toward their re-election campaign, etc.) then you really have no power at all.
Superdelegates are a stupid idea, always has been, always will be.
Just like the Caucus system. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Anything that can be used to bully people into a position is wrong and unAmerican!!!
Any time you put voting power in the hands of someone who can be bought, (i.e. money going toward their re-election campaign, etc.) then you really have no power at all.
Superdelegates are a stupid idea, always has been, always will be.
Just like the Caucus system. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Anything that can be used to bully people into a position is wrong and unAmerican!!!
end rant
Completly agree and its downright criminal what they did to Hillary. I am done with Democrats and their crooked system.
I'm just bumping this now-old thread to post new info because I got an email update - they're going to decide on the superdelegate question in a few weeks, and they've already agreed to let Iowa go first again in 2012:
I'm not that in with the DNC these days, but there's every indicator that they will scrap the superdelegate system when the proposal comes up in the rules and bylaws committee.
Here's what I don't like about this article. In 2012 there will only be a Republican Primary unless Obama chooses not to run. The Dems are not going to Primary him even if his numbers are in the toliet.