The Republicans have been debating whether or not their party should require candidates to pass some sort of ideological purity test. Now the Dems are weighing that same option:
I could easily sign this. I would hope that ALL Democrats could easily sign it. It covers a multitude of sins: "All Americans" covers the LGBTQA part of our society, #2 gets us Universal (aka Single Payer) health care, #8 is an automatic repeal of the Patriot Act, etc, etc, etc.
The thing is that these are IDEALS, as opposed to ideas. Things to stand for and work for, and dedicate ourselves to attaining.
Please use the comments if you could NOT sign this....
No, I don't support a "ideals" test. I am mostly Democratic, but there are some things I put before party, as most of us refugees are. They violated their own rules, and appointed Obama. If they claim to be Democrats, then I am not. I don't think you can find people today who meet MY definition of Democrats, just as I would not meet someone else's definition. And to try and define it in rigid terms excluded a whole lot of people.