Watch to end of this video below to witness the police announcement. You will hardly believe that this is real and not a Hollywood movie.
Wearechange schools Pittsburgh police on constitution @ g20 9/24/09 Luke Rudkowski of schools pittsburgh police on their duty to the constitution and thier oath. Police use LRAD sound cannons and tear gas on peaceful protesters.
Tear-gassing is in this video below.
Pittsburgh Riots (9/25/09) http://www.HuntsvilleG8Summ...Prime Minister Harper has announced today that along side the G8 a G20 conference will also be hosted in Muskoka next june.
As a Resident of Pittsburgh to bad the police didn't kill a few of those Protestors. They came into my city and tore it up. My city looks like a disaster here. The Protestors tried to overturn buses which basically stopped bus service. One stupid woman decided to throw a bike at the cops which resulted in her getting beaten and dragged. I have no smpothy for these idiots.