continues to wake-up America to Obama Administration relationships with ACORN and Big Labor. BigGov’s latest story highlights Presidential Advisor Valerie Jarrett’s crew member Buffy Wicks who is the former political director of forced union dues financed (Wakeup). In the conference call, Wicks highlighted the important role United We Serve ( has in President Obama’s Organizing America strategy. See Dana Loesch’s article about directing volunteers to ACORN.
The Obama campaign boastfully promoted Wick’s moniker, “Buffy the Wal-Mart Slayer” that highlights her community organizing experience with Wakeup’s efforts to increase costs for Wal-Mart and the prices for its customers.
What the Obama Administration’s Buffy Wicks did with Wakeup, and it continues to do with an apparent partnership with ACORN, is to engage in a “corporate campaign” against Wal-Mart in an attempt to inflict as much financial stress on its target as possible. For an insiders view of what it is like to be a target of a corporate campaign a good read is Dave Bego’s book, The Devil at My Doorstep, a chronicle of the shameless three-year corporate campaign he and his employees endured.
These corporate campaigns are not about worker choice, they are about inflicting financial costs and public image damages to companies like Bego’s and Wal-Mart.
Essentially, this means that Buffy Wicks was a professional troublemaker hired by Big Labor to work hand-in-hand with ACORN in an effort to inflict pain to bring one of the nation’s largest employers to its knees. So far, the efforts by Wicks and ACORN have only served to reduce Wal-Mart’s ability to hire new people and lower prices for its customers.
Now, ACORN collaborator Wicks is inside the Obama White House as it oversees record unemployment. If the White House continues to place Big Labor staffers like Wicks who worked for organizations hostile to worker freedom throughout its Administration, then the Obama Administration will likely become the antithesis to job growth and the primary obstacle to any future U.S. economic recovery.
There is another Article: Acorn the Landlord 21 Sep 2009 Clarice Feldman in NY POST:
"Acorn has quietly become one of the Big Apple's biggest owners of low and moderate income housing, amassing a real estate emprie worth at least 50 million.
New York Acorn and a tangled web of affiliates owns or manage nearly 1,500 housing units across theree boroughs and draw in an estimated $5.7 million in rents, fees and profits from sales. The properrties are controlled by an opaque collection of nonprofits, holding companies and development funds. Many have generic names, like th 385 Palmetto Street Housing Development Fund or the Mutal Housing Association of NY, leaving no clue of their ties to the national Acorn congolmerate.
The media has overlooked Ayers, overlook Rev. Wright, and overlooked Acorn........they have been in the tank for Obama.
No doubt, investigations need to go on in every state about Acorn, and lead right up to the doors of White House, and Congress.