This is just so unbelievable. How do you start investigating such a huge corrupt organization? Corruption seems to be the basis of our government. Can we ever correct this?
This is just so unbelievable. How do you start investigating such a huge corrupt organization? Corruption seems to be the basis of our government. Can we ever correct this?
I know . . .
I certainly hope that we can get out of this mess.
Glenn Beck says he knows a way out . . . I hope he does . . . I definitely plan on watching him next week. He has been successful so far with Van Jones, Acorn, and the NEA communication's director.
But, as he said, they are now "under the surface". Van Jones is now with Soros . . ., not a surprise there . . . And, there is someone else pulling the strings at the NEA with the WH on board with it.
It really appears that he and Fox are literally our only hope right now . . .
I know a damn way out - read my signature! Sorry, I'm fed up to here with this crook, who should be out on his @$$ with no pomp OR circumstance!
Novo Nordisk is familiar. I used to hear their name all the time WHEN I listened to NPR. Here's why I no longer do: This morning, when hubby was driving, he heard an ENTIRE NPR NEWS REPORT, and they did not mention TWO MILLION PEOPLE marching on Washington DC. He didn't even know about it until he got home and I showed him my new desktop background.
Barack/Barry: If you're NOT LEGIT, then you MUST QUIT!!