I am not familiar with this blog, but it sounds like the author is a right winger. But it's interesting to see how the right views Hillary's possible plans for 2012 (even if many of them do suffer from Clinton Derangement Syndrome), so here 'tis:
Speaking to reporters Thursday at a breakfast discussion, hybrid lizard/humanoid Democratic strategist James Carville dropped this one-liner:
"If Hillary gave up one of her balls and gave it to Obama, he'd have two."
(Interestingly, the LA Times didn't provide that quote in their article. Instead , they chose to convey the message cloaked in sweeter words, saying Obama "lacked the masculine fortitude of one of his Cabinet members: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton." Of course, in October, they gladly printed Sarah Palin's jab at Obama's immigration stance, claiming he lacked the "cajones" for it)
Aside from him possibly knowing something hermaphroditic about Mrs. Clinton (and something missing from Obama's normal "junk"), Carville's classy observation cannot be taken as that of just a democratic strategist.
He is and always has been a rabid Clinton strategist. A left-wing political operative not beholden to a party, but the Clinton war machine.
These barking public criticisms of Obama by democrats, so soon after his party was soundly defeated in November, have the unmistakable stink of a Clinton trial balloon.
I surmised a while back that Obama would dump Biden in 2012 and replace him with Hillary. Biden does nothing except provide gaffes with at least one foot in his mouth at all times. He was tabbed for VP to theoretically compensate for Obama's lack of experience in foreign affairs. He no longer offers any reason for continuing with the ticket.
Spending beyond means with America's tax dollars does not equal effective governing. Now, with two years to show he's been worthy of the office, Obama has proved he possesses no redeeming executive ability. His magical campaign rhetoric has become ancient history. For someone who preyed on the emotions of a weary electorate, he's outed himself as extraordinarily aloof, with an arrogance outshined only by his incompetence.
While the rattlesnakes in the Democratic party bite eachother, Hillary lurks just beneath it all, patiently waiting for 2012, while allowing members of her loyal political reconnaissance squad to probe the battlefield.