Seems that the Hollywood Obamalovers (well, at least some of them) are less than thrilled with Obama. Wonder how Ashton Kucher is feeling about the president he swore an oath to serve ( or whateverthehell he said in that stupid video when he declared his undying love for Obama). Anyway - looks like some of the Hollywood latte-libs are finding the kool-aide a little bitter these days - so is... are you ready for this!... William Ayers. lol. Another good D.K. Jamaal article from Post-partisan Examiner. Change of heart: Hollywood liberals, left-wing intellectuals run ad slamming Obama war crimes May 15, 10:37 PMPost-Partisan ExaminerD.K. Jamaal
It seems Bill Clinton was right. It seems Obama’s anti-war credentials were indeed just a fairy tales.
Obama’s conduct in escalating the war in Afghanistan and continuing to wage war in Iraq has upset some in at least two prominent sections of his base: Hollywood liberals and left-wing intellectuals (black folks and gulling young white folk are still firmly on board). Prominent formerly Obama supporting members of these elite groups – include Prof. Cornel West, Ed Asner, James Cromwell, Noam Chomsky, Mike Gravel, and Michael Ratner – have run an ad in the New York Review of Books and signed onto a petition slamming Obama war crimes.
The most surprising name on the list? Obama pal and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, murderer, whose association with the Obamas became a controversial campaign issue in 2008.
Obama had to distance himself from Ayers and throw both Ayers and his fellow terrorist wife Bernadine Dohrn under the bus. Seems Billy boy is finally returning the favor. Among their stated grievances? Obama apparently ordered the assassination of an American citizen suspected of participating in terrorist plots. Also, they decry the protection given by the Obama administration to cavalier flyers who fired on unarmed Iraqis and Iraqi children – killing two journalists in the process.
The petition by these former Obamabots asserts the following: The things that were crimes under Bush are crimes under Obama. Outrages under Bush are outrages under Obama. All this MUST STOP. And all this MUST BE RESISTED by anyone who claims a shred of conscience or integrity.
It is always good to see people wake up from their Obama stupor – or from any stupor that keeps them from recognizing the flaws in any politician. Obama worship needs to end. He is just a man after all, and as these people have just found out, one prone to making the same mistakes as the old boss.
We hope the new clarity among disillusioned Obama supporters will quickly extend as well to his corporatist domestic policies. Endless bailouts under Bush are endless bailouts under Obama. All Obama’s corporate communism must stop.
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony
Yeah, people have woken up finally from the stupor .... but how will they express their frustration and angst? What options do they really have? Join the Tea Party? Heck that would just be the worst possible move.
The current situation is highlighting how faulty the 2- party system is. I hope to see some serious reform of the election process; first-choice; second-choice system is absolutely necessary to correct the faulty system.
-- Edited by Sanders on Monday 17th of May 2010 12:05:49 AM
Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010 Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010
Well if the Hollywood elite hate him perhaps I better look at him again. Anyone that Hollywood hates is all right in my book. Perhaps they will stay out of politics none of these people have half a brain anyway