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TOPIC: "Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way" (by David Michael Green, CommonDreams.org 2/14/10)


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"Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way" (by David Michael Green, CommonDreams.org 2/14/10)

This is a very thoughtful and reflective article from a liberal.  There is a lot of energy and concern in this article.

If the matter at hand were not so serious I would have read this and chuckled at a few points, but this is really serious, and the author has given it a lot of thought. Please give this article the time it deserves. Please read slowly, and preferably in full at the source.  Thanks.


(Emphasis added)


Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way

by David Michael Green,

David Michael Green is a professor of political science at HofstraUniversity in New York. He is delighted to receive readers' reactions to his articles (mailto:dmg@regressiveantidote.net), but regrets that time constraints do not always allow him to respond. More of his work can be found at his website, www.regressiveantidote.net.

So now there's going to be a bipartisan health care summit, eh?  Woo-hoo.

Is that sorta like the jobs summit we just had, one full year into the reign of Obama, despite that all twelve of those months has been riddled with severe economic cancer?  And hasn't that summit just really produced a raft of good solutions to the unemployment crisis?

Is the health care summit gonna be kinda like the stimulus bill, a full third of which was a sop to Republican tax-cutting religious dogma, which effort bought all of a single GOP vote in Congress?

Does it bear any resemblance to the health care negotiations which have been going on for nearly a year now, that also involved protracted efforts to accommodate Republican interests, and that succeeding in reducing the level of GOP support from the prior vote on the stimulus bill down by a full one hundred percent?

Or are we talking here about any of a whole slew of "Democratic" policies, from the Middle East to Afghanistan to civil liberties to military spending, in which the Obama administration never had to negotiate at all with Republicans, because they were already running the same policies as George W. Bush?  And nevertheless still got slammed for it?

I really have to confess that I don't know why Barack Obama ever wanted the presidency.  He had a boatload of fame and fortune in his hands already, though admittedly it's a whole other league to be in as a part of the exclusive club of US presidents.

On the other hand, you run some serious risks as president that really call into question whether it's worth it, from a cost-benefit perspective.  Especially since you can only spend so much money in a lifetime, and Obama had already made tens of millions from his books, and had huge potential to keep on making more from lectures, lobbying and more books, without ever sitting in the White House.

Lincoln and Kennedy remind us of the most prominent of these risks.  But combine the always present possibility of presidential assassination with the fact that we have the first black president of a country still loaded with angry, armed racists, and you have a serious concern there.  Additionally, America is just absolutely in a bad mood these days.  We're like a toddler having a temper tantrum, oscillating between wanting this or that, usually wanting both at the same time, and regularly throwing a ****-fit if we don't get just exactly what we want when we want it.  If it were possible for an entire country to need its diapers changed, that's just about where we are nowadays.  Put it all together and you get a recipe for disaster for a black president whose middle name is Hussein.  Especially one who allows himself to be labeled a socialist.  Maybe Michael Steele or Clarence Thomas could pull this off without agitating the survivalist crowd into taking a pop at him, but Obama's got a whole army of nuts out there waiting to take him out.  Many of them are in these tea party fringe fanatic groups.  Hell, many of them are in the GOP.

Moreover, that's not the only risk he took in running for the presidency.  You can also get elected and then fail miserably.  Is it really worth it to enter the pantheon of American politics, but in a titular sense only?  Wouldn't it be better to lay low and get rich than to be a laughingstock failure who also happened to have once had an oval-shaped office?  Wouldn't most people rather be Jeb Bush than George W.?

This is why I wonder why this guy ever sought the presidency.  Doing so clearly came with some serious risks, and not necessarily massive benefits relative to where he was already sitting.

Of course, if you were going to do something with the office, that would be something else entirely.  That would be worth taking big risks for.  I think most people want to be successful in life, and most people who are either self-confident (or radically insecure) enough to seek the American presidency would absolutely also like the legacy of being one of the great ones.  Obama just doesn't seem to have that jones, though.  He's the perfunctory president.  He seems to want to have a health care bill, any health care bill, so he can say he's done that.  He seems to want to have a climate agreement, however eviscerated, just so he can tick off that box.  And he seems to want to be president just to be president.

Of course, the Democratic Party has become nearly as captive of corporate and Wall Street interests as the Republicans have, which may be a better explanation for the inaction of Congress and the president.  But the capacity to sustain that facade is now rapidly melting. Perhaps Democrats even realize this.

The core (sometimes theoretical) principle at the root of representative democracy is the quid pro quo that is supposed to govern the relationship between the representative and the represented.  The member of parliament gets to serve in high office, provided that MP reflects the political sentiments of his or her constituents.  The problem with American politics today, of course, is that the real constituents of members of Congress are not the voters in their districts and states, but rather the special interests who fund their campaigns to fool the voters in their districts and states.  You don't need to see Bulworth again to figure that one out.

And the problem for Democrats is that the country is now reaching the limits of viability for that game Voters can be fooled or lulled into political narcolepsy for a long time, provided conditions are relatively benign. One reason, frankly, that voter turnout has been so low over the last half-century is that people have been basically satisfied with conditions in their lives, notwithstanding the usual grumbling about welfare queens or foreign aid or uppity blacks.  This also explains why we rarely see people marching in the streets in any serious way, and why we don't see the rise of alternative political parties of any serious scale.  By and large, people have been pretty complacent about politics because their life conditions have been pretty decent, whether they know it or not.

All that is changing now.  Actually, it's been changing for thirty years, but now it's really crashing down hard.  During the middle part of the twentieth century a literal new deal was struck in American society, in which for the first time the masses would get a moderate share of the pie and the fantastically wealthy would be reduced in economic stature to being merely hugely wealthy.  But, after a while, the greediest amongst us decided they'd had enough of that tough bargain and, circa 1980 or so, the empire struck back.  The American plutocracy hired Ronald Reagan and his party to undo the provisions of trade, labor, tax and welfare state laws that propped up the newly created middle class, and the ground underneath most Americans' feet has been eroding ever since.  It was actually much worse than what people thought all along, because much of the pain for the middle class was eased by sending wives to work earning a second income, and stealing from their children via budget deficits.

Now comes the triple whammy of the apocalypse, as the products from these policies come home to roost in a serious way.  First, deregulating everything in sight so that the rapist class could have its unfettered way with all of us has produced the inevitable reckoning with reality now screening in your neighborhood as "The Great Recession".  Second, the unsustainable pattern of profligate borrowing has become - go figure - unsustainable, and we are now seeing the beginning of serious movements toward reeling back spending on popular government programs, just when they are needed most.  And third, the structural changes that have been promulgated over the last three decades leave most Americans poorly positioned to even hope for a path to economic recovery.  Roughly speaking then, the middle class have been tossed out of the plane, their primary parachute was defectively fabricated by a deregulated corporation trying to save money on production, and their emergency chute was stolen out of the pack and sold on the black market called Wall Street.

The problem for people like Obama or Pelosi or Reid or just about any Democrat in Congress today is that people increasingly know this.  They are feeling it acutely.  The decades of complacency have been replaced by the new era of fear and anxiety.  Thus we're now seeing signs of a reanimated political sphere.  Turnout is up, anti-incumbency is way up, and street rallies and alternative political movements are increasingly challenging the pathetically limited options of the status quo.

We've entered an epoch of political oscillation - mood swings would perhaps be the better description - in which the two dominant political parties do fantastically well in opposition, but horribly in government. That's because, in reality, neither of them is offering any actual solutions to the problems the shrinking American middle class is grappling with every day.  Republicans distract with an endless procession of bogeymen at home and abroad, and with tax cuts that only exacerbate the problem further.  Democrats, on the other hand, uh...  Democrats, er...  Well, I don't know what Democrats actually do. They just kinda sit there taking potshots. Both parties do great in opposition because it's so easy to show how useless the government is, especially if hypocrisy is not necessarily a problem for how you practice politics (and for the GOP it is not only not a problem, it has become a high art form).  But it turns out that actually governing after you win in opposition is problematic if you don't have any real solutions to offer.  Republicans have been hammered twice in the last two election cycles, once to kick them out of Congress and then again to kick them out of the White House.  Democrats will have precisely the same experience in 2010 and 2012, and for precisely the same reasons.

And yet the public will be no more satisfied with the outcome than they are now, and likely less so.  It's ludicrous to imagine that the party of Bush and Cheney - which has only gotten worse in their absence - will actually solve any national problems.  Meanwhile, time is running out for Washington to actually produce solutions.  Or at least to be seen as serious about producing solutions.  People understand that this is not necessarily easily done.  Franklin Roosevelt got elected president four times without ever genuinely slaying the Great Depression.  But people believed that he was trying, and they knew that the party of Hoover would do nothing.  Obama, on the other hand, has done just the opposite of FDR.  He has entirely blown the good will which attended his inauguration one year ago, such that even if he were to be serious about dealing with jobs now, it's not clear that he would be trusted enough to be taken seriously, and it's not clear that he could even reap the political benefit from any success he might actually produce.

This was the stupidest imaginable of strategic decisions by this White House.  If they thought they could simply continue to win by being not Republicans, they were wrong even in the short term. (Very short term, as it turns out.  They got clobbered right away in Virginia and New Jersey, and now also in Massachusetts.)  If they thought they couldn't do anything legit to solve problems because they have to placate their real masters on Wall Street, they were wrong in the longer term. Americans are unlikely to continue to countenance such treason from their government anymore, as they lose their jobs, houses, medical care and dignity.

Look, let's be honest, American government was designed by its creators to fail, if by success one means the ability to govern in any real sense and the ability to be responsive to the preferences of voters.  It's a pretty ingenious system really, at least for those who have a congenital fear of government, that particularly American paranoia.  The system basically requires so much consensus (which is another way of saying that so many actors can block it from moving forward), that only on occasions like the day after Pearl Harbor can it move expeditiously at articulating and legislating national policy.  Otherwise, it requires a powerful figure who can light enough of a fire under the recalcitrant co-decisionmakers in the system for anything substantial to happen.  And that more or less can only be the president.

In the long nineteenth century of American government, that mostly just didn't happen, in large part because the prevailing view of the role of government was so limited.  Today, however, it is more or less expected.  It more or less defines whether a presidency is successful or not.  Roosevelt and Johnson and Reagan and Wee Bush got what they wanted, and thus had largely successful presidencies, as measured by that yardstick.  Of course, in some of those cases what they wanted were really disastrous things, and so those presidencies turned out to be not so successful in the larger sense, by virtue, ironically, of their successes in the narrow sense.  In any case, for folks like Bill Clinton or Big Daddy Bush or Barack Obama it's all moot anyhow.  They don't aspire to much of anything serious, and they therefore, of course, don't get anywhere near achieving it.

This model for governmental failure created by the Founders has now become even more unruly, at least when Republicans are in the opposition.  They have decided to use the filibuster and nomination holds in the Senate to block literally everything the Democrats want to do, including even staffing up the president's administration.  Democrats, of course, are just the opposite.  Even when they are in the minority by only the barest amount, they still allow the Republicans to do whatever they want, using whatever legislative bullying technique they choose. Essentially what we have today is a situation in which Republicans make life for the vast majority of Americans worse when they are in government, and Democrats do nothing whatsoever when they are given control.  Nothing, that is, unless you count destroying the reputation of progressive politics while ironically not actually being progressive at all.

America is increasingly in need of some serious Constitutional shake-ups, and a parliamentary system of responsible government to replace the existing do-nothing model is perhaps at the top of the list.  That alternative surely at least has clarity going for it, hence the term ‘responsible'. You know who governs at any given time, and you get to throw the bums out of office if they don't do it the way you want them to.  It's a higher gamble affair, though.  It essentially puts all the eggs in one basket, at least for the short term.  [snip].

The system is truly broken, but the truth is that all systems are broken, and all systems are also not broken.  It's in the nature of people to switch systems, and to want to switch systems, as a cheap potential solution to their problems. But, in reality, institutions and constitutions don't make nearly as much difference in the quality of governance as does the character and commitments of the people at the helm, and that of those who choose them.  Good people with good intentions and a good helping of guts will produce good results, even when faced with daunting obstacles built into the system of governance. Rip-off artists, on the other hand, will not be deterred by mere checks and balances.  And those who seek to do nothing while the country burns will be able to under any constitutional order, at least for the short-term.

Major aspects of the current crisis in American politics are deeply fundamental in nature, in the sense that a cavalier and self-interested (often at best) public has allowed the gravest crimes to be committed in its name, as long as it could still sit on the sofa unmolested, slurping beer, scarfing Tater Tots, and watching yet another episode of American Idol. We truly do have the government we deserve.


But while the breakdown of the country's political system has been near complete - ranging from government to opposition party to the media to the public - those who ask for our votes by promising serious change, and who invoke the rhetoric of Martin Luther King and the centuries-long tribulations of the enslaved in order to get elected, have a special responsibility to fulfill their commitment.  It requires a particular and spectacular brand of treasonous contempt to piss away the beliefs of an entire nation in one's promise and one's integrity, not to mention trashing the legions of people who carried you across the finish line for exactly that reason.  Even worse, to mangle the governance of a country at a time of crisis - knowing full well what sort of creatures to whom that throws open the doors of the government in the wake of your failure - is an egregious crime of historical proportions. How many Weimar Republics or Neville Chamberlains do we need before we figure that one out? Obama's weakness will make Sarah Palin president.

Some folks argue that change never comes from the top and it's a fool's errand to expect Barack Obama or Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi or any other leaders of American government to ever just do the right thing for the right reasons.  Maybe that's all true, and I certainly rue the fact that the only people out on the streets these days are the know-nothings of the right.  There is a ton of work to be done right now building a progressive movement with the capacity to pressure the country's national leaders into doing the right thing for the country.

But those leaders are part of the problem, too.  [snip].

Few leaders in American history have been as blessed with the ironic opportunity of crisis as has been Barack Obama.  This last year could have been written into the history books with an entirely different script, and one which would have massively benefitted the country, the Democratic Party and Barack Obama. Yet, because he is so very much not a man of his time, just the opposite occurred.  Clinton got away with being a nothingburger during fat times.  Obama is foolishly trying it during a moment of multiple simultaneous national and international crises, and he is failing miserably.  As he should be, with such a shamefully tepid agenda.

Barack Obama and his congressional co-conspirators in cowardice will soon be toast, the victims - both directly through their own inadequacies and indirectly through their unwillingness to counter attacks upon them by the most destructive elements of American politics - of their own failings of character.

But because of those failings, and because at the moment the bottom was falling out they would neither lead, follow nor get out of the way, they are not the only folks right now staring down the business end of the shotgun that is the future of America.

We are, too.

Indeed, far more than they.


full article at the source.

The fact that both parties are cut from the same cloth - special interests - becomes apparent when we see that Chris Dodd's chosen partner for finance reform on the GOP side is the GOP person who has received the highest donations from the Security, Investment Banking and Banking sector. Go figure!

Here are my take-aways from the article.

  • The system of government has failed.
  • President Obama is not suited to the task at hand; he has wasted year-1 and by all measures, looks like he is on his way to wasting year-2.  [He was not upto the job anyway! Why did he even run!!]
  • Pres.Obama has mangled the governance of this country at a critical time [and we may end up with Palin as President - a side note.]
  • Our system of government requires active leadership by the President; otherwise, it is not geared towards consensus.
  • Both parties are happy to be in the criticism mode and not achieving anything; we as a country have been loosing ground for 30 years
  • An urgent reform of the system is necessary, [but the President is not upto the task]
  • Hope has faded away to reality for the people
  • The government does not seem to have woken up to the reality.

Dear Hillary Clinton, the country did wrong in not electing you.

-- Edited by Sanders on Monday 15th of February 2010 09:34:34 PM

Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010
Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010

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Sanders, this Obamacrat does make some good points, obviously. However, one has to wonder why he seems so surprised as he wonders why Obama wanted to be president. It's the narcissism, stupid. He got a total pass from the Dems, the Reps, and MSM during the primary and general election. He was never challenged. Never had to defend a position. Never even had to adopt a consistent position - just saying whatever to whomever, anything to get the prize. That's all becoming POTUS ever was to Obama - a prize. He likes to win, and believes he's entitled to get whatever he wants. I would have thought such an intelligent person as Green believes himself to be would have picked up on the Obama Entitlement Syndrome thing. It shouldn't matter how poorly he performs. He's cool. He's slick. He reads a good speech. Isn't that enough?!?

Sanders, this is not to hijack your post, which was very thorough and made some excellent points. But, I looked back over some of this author's previous articles. He has much for which to apologize - in addition to his failure to see through Obama ,much earlier.

From May 15, 2008, a few excerpts from a long article by Green in Regressive Antidote about the Clintons and Hillary's candidacy. Don't bother reading the full article. It'll just make you sick and angry.

..... People like me get a lot of grief from other folks for being supposed Clinton-bashers. But, then, some of us also got a lot of grief (sometimes from a few of the same people) for being Bush-bashers in 2001 and 2002. I would submit that the reason is the same in both cases. We refused to buy into the mythology of the post-9/11 presidency, or of the wonderfully empathetic one which preceded it, and we were right not to. We just got there a little earlier than other folks. By 2007, just about everybody had figured out what a disaster George W. Bush was. Now they’re finally starting to grok the Clintons as well.
...... For the record, I loathe Hill, but I also loathe Bill at least as much. Thatcher disgusted me, but no more or less than Reagan. I admire Eleanor Roosevelt deeply, rather much like I feel toward what’s-his-name?, that guy she was married to. In short, when it comes to politics, I don’t really care what you’re packin’ in your undies, but rather what you stand for and how willing you are to fight for it......
Since then, Hillary The Inevitable has pandered to voters in every way imaginable, quaffing beers and knocking on doors, faking tears and pretending to care about the poor. Oh, and don’t forget the gas tax relief plan. You know, the one that demonstrates how much more in touch with the common people she is than her opponent....
Yeah, I really hope this is the last column I ever have to write on the Clintons, because I’m sick of them, and I’m angry about the damage they’ve done and continue to do to American politics, especially by eviscerating our progressive national agenda as well as the former electoral vehicle (before Bill crashed it) of what little progressivism there actually is in America, namely, the Democratic Party. I blame them, above all, for turning the party of FDR into Republican Lite, just as I blame Madonna, above all, for trivializing rock-and-roll. The Clintons are truly DINOs (Democrats In Name Only), and they are truly political dinosaurs as well – so 1990s in every way. Sorry to break the news to you, kids: The era of small politics is over.....
I take pleasure in their comeuppance not because I’m mean-spirited, but because they are so amoral. I’m delighted that their dream has been denied, their name ruined, and their bank account deflated, because it’s about time we had some modicum of justice in this country for those who would lie to us, use us, and abuse us, in order to further their own personal agenda.
All of that is playing right now at a theater near you, and I couldn’t be happier. One disaster of American politics down, one more to go.
I like 2008.


Here’s another article by Green on Regressive Antidote posted on November 6, 2008, celebrating Obama’s selection as POTUS, and feeling as Michelle does about this country - NOT PROUD, to say the least.

...... I had a Michelle moment during election week. For the first time in a very long time, I felt a little pride about what my country was doing. This election felt to me like nothing so much as a reclaiming of our country from some truly evil predators who had hijacked it, and a restoration of democracy – and, really, sanity – to our political sphere. ....
Emerging from so many years of political darkness – so many moments of utter astonishment at the evil my country was practicing, so much heartache from the destruction done in our name, so much hopelessness after thirty years of Reaganism-Bushism – emerging from these shadows and tentatively poking my head out into the light, one thought kept recurring to me over and again last Tuesday:
It was a good day to be alive.

I didn't activate the links, and I don't recommend reading the articles.  This author's primary talent lies in being a smart-ass who finds everything and everyone just beneath him and contemptable - Kinda like Maureen Dowd.

It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less.  ~Susan B. Anthony


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Ok, freespirit, I will take a look through.

What I had noticed is that the author is indeed a far left liberal from NYC area and a prof. This seemed to be his real first time acknowledging but he seems to have done some soul searching.

I will look thru your link. :) G'nite.

Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010
Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010

Madam Secretary Blog at ForeignPolicy.com
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This fool thinks the Damn Democrats reached out to the Republicans they did not they were reaching for those Blue Dogs I guess Conservatives according to this bigot/pig are on Republicans well where the hell has he been.
This foul human slime ball has the nerve to hate on Obama oh and perhaps someone should alert the media he wants Obama to be assignated since he was talking about Kennedy and Lincoln.  I wonder how the media would like it if we started doing that to them.
Anyway this man is a slimepit and not worthy of my hit.




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freespirit, Got it. I had not seen his prior articles before. Thanks.

Democracy needs defending - SOS Hillary Clinton, Sept 8, 2010
Democracy is more than just elections - SOS Hillary Clinton, Oct 28, 2010

Madam Secretary Blog at ForeignPolicy.com
Project Vote Smart - Stay informed and engaged!
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