Posted by Stephanie VallejoFebruary 5, 2010 01:12 PM
Alaska’s former governor Sarah Palin fondly called him her “first dude,” but nearly 3,000 pages of e-mails obtained by NBC News and MSNBC show that Todd Palin was quite a bit more than that during Palin’s two-and-a-half-year administration.
Todd Palin’s influence – earning him the title of “shadow governor” from some Juneau critics – extended to union contract negotiations, judicial and state board appointments and more, as evidenced by the e-mails, many written from private Yahoo accounts.
Few e-mails indicate he performed the ceremonial duties typical to a governor’s spouse, with the exception of his participation as a judge for the Miss Alaska competition and as host to a tea to honor former first ladies.
The still-secret e-mails between Todd Palin and senior officials reach into countless areas of state government and politics: potential board appointees, constituent complaints, use of the state jet, oil and gas production, marine regulation, gas pipeline bids, postsecondary education, wildfires, native Alaskan issues, the state effort to save the Matanuska Maid dairy, budget planning, potential budget vetoes, oil shale leasing, "strategy for responding to media allegations," staffing at the mansion, pier diem payments to the governor for travel, "strategy for responding to questions about pregnancy," potential cuts to the governor's staff, "confidentiality issues," Bureau of Land Management land transfers and trespass issues and requests to the U.S. transportation secretary.
Also withheld: a discussion of how to reply to "media questions about Todd Palin's work and potential conflict of interests."