Krauthammer Quips: 'Best Week I've Had Since Spring Break in Medical School'
By Brent Baker Fri, 01/22/2010 - 20:03 ET
Quip of the day, from columnist Charles Krauthammer on Friday's (January 22) Special Report with Bret Baier on FNC. Baier wondered: “Conservatives, pretty good week?” Krauthammer affirmed:
You know, this is an amazing week. Massachusetts goes Republican, health care dies and the Supreme Court unshackles the First Amendment. It's the best week I've had since spring break in medical school -- and I don't even remember it [laughter from other panelists].
And there was another item which you mentioned: Air America, the liberal talk show network went out of business -- which is a redundancy because nobody was listening anyway.
In his latest column, “What Scott Brown's win means for the Democrats” published in Friday’s Washington Post, Krauthammer observed how “both wings of American liberalism -- congressional and mainstream media” have been in denial: