Two girls were picked up in the morning from their HS........and were taken to a house were 3 boys raped them (everywhich way they could). One of the girls had been dating one of the boys (none of boys were students, and all had criminal records).
These girls were taken back to the high school, where one of them sat for 3 or 4 hours all blooded up, and nothing was done to get her to the hospital. No one helped this girl. The police were finally called, and she ended up having surgery, and lost a lot of blood.
Something else, the one girl who had a boyfriend, had said it was consensual.........I find this very hard to believe. She said she was not raped, and had no intercourse. But the examination results showed otherwise. Was this date rape? Something is horribly wrong here!
I've been on the phone:
Monroe Co. H.S. 212 Tiger Dr. Monroeville, Al 36460 Larry Turner, Principal 251-575-3257
Supt. of Schools Melody Ryals 251-575-2168
Gov. Bob Riley 334-242-7100
Chamber of Commerce 251-743-2879
I am trying to find out if there is a Rape Center in this town...