Ok, I found you all through the CommonGroundPolitcs site. I have not been there since some time after last November...
I spent the last year working on health and home issues. I found out that I have 100% VA Medical. A bill was passed in 2003 that opened the VA Medical System up to those of us Veterans who had any Service Connected disability within an income range which I am residing within. So... I found out last year and I can list all the things I do not have but that would take eons. I finally got medical. And, this past week, I was finally able to move into a new--to me--home in a new town.
All that being said, I am still working on health and home issues but I am no inundated with the processing as much as I was while immersed in myself.
I tried to find you all more than a few times but could not find you until tonight.
I am not on the computer as much as I was during that hellacious campaign-- you know the One. In fact, being on the computer with my back and neck really cramped or maybe spasmed my style. I have seeing an chiro 3xwk all summer. I found one I like after years of trial and error. So, I have been off the pc as much as I can this year.
I keep up on news using my cell phone every day by reading the AP news. So, I am still analyzing the political theatrics from afar.
Now, that I found yas, I can start reading the news here... :)