Another brilliant idea by the idiots that run our government. And, they want to run health care?
The Obama administration is telling lawmakers that its much-touted "cash-for-clunkers" program is already running out of money, according to three Senate aides familiar with the discussions.
The program — aimed at giving at boost to the U.S. auto industry — was supposed to expire at the end of October. But in the one week since it took effect, it appears to have run dry of the $1 billion allocated to it, aides said Thursday.
The Obama administration had told senators that the program would be suspended at midnight Thursday, aides said, but a White House official told POLITICO that the administration is "working tonight to assess the situation facing what is obviously an incredibly popular program. Auto dealers and consumers should have confidence that all valid CARS transactions that have taken place to-date will be honored."
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony
Apparently, we are now going to infuse another $2B into the program to keep it going until October. WTF? And just where are we getting that money from? If there is anything left of our country after O'moron's administration it will be a true miracle! Seriously, did they THINK about this program before they put it into place? Wait - THINK - that is a word they have no idea of it's meaning.
Just more ways to spend money. Well I guess the Republicans are going to kick butt in the next election. Then we will really see the s**t hit the fan with obobo
My sister knows a lady who works at a car dealership. This woman says Cash For Clunkers is such a waste. People were trading in almost-new, fully loaded cars in perfectly good condition, but the dealers aren't allowed to resell them or strip them for parts or donate them to Charity Motors or any other program that helps poor people buy affordable automobiles (a real problem here in Detroit where there's no reliable public transportation). All of these cars have to be crushed, whether they're clunkers or not.
Oh, and that coverter box thing is crap. I can't even get the Fox network on the damn thing. Yeah, I do get a couple of extra channels that I didn't have before, but they show nothing but old made-for-TV movies and reruns of The Rockford Files.
Car dealerships are already in SUCH trouble as it is. If Obama took all the money back he's spent on useless crap that won't work, we'd have enough to pay for five countries full health care programs in a workable fashion.
This man is such a walking disaster. Lord help us all. We need it because Obama is our president. To think I had that Bush countdown clock for so long and never dreamed it could possibly get careful what you ask I don't know anymore whether to laugh at his stupidity or sit down and cry for everybody else.
Yeah, I've heard that Beck has warned his viewers NOT to go and register at that site - I doubt it's legal, but this government loves power, better safe than sorry. I have no interest in this CARS program, either - just another boondoggle the Obama administration is botching again. All he wants is to get the sales numbers up for GM AFTER spending billions on them.
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Hillarysworld -> National News -> (07.30.09) 'Cash for clunkers' going broke -- Politico--Suspended as of Thursday